Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

10 The findings were not Make Money for inventor

10 The findings were not Make Money for inventor Today 07:11 Today the mouse (the mouse) is the computer equipment that has been used menarik koleksi tas terbaru very plural. However, Douglas Engelbart, researcher and inventor of the mouse, who died on Tuesday (02/07/2013), apparently never get royalties from patent mouse. Engelbart was not alone about the work that is bring in money even if used at all corners of the earth. At least, there are 10 works equally well known in the world Like a plural mice, but not a source of money for the inventor. What are some of the work? Also who is the inventor? 01. LED lights. Quote: It is a small light that is widely used in electronic devices even in its development have also begun to be used as a small lamp lighting because electricity consumption is needed. LED lighting is the inventor Nick Holonyak Jr. in 1962. Holonyak long ago have predicted these lights will replace Edison's light bulb works. Holonyak colleagues argue he deserves a Nobel prize for his invention. However, Holonyak just replied with a simple: "It's ridiculous to think that someone owes something (to me). Lucky to be alive when I come to it." 02. Post-it Notes. Quote: Office workers or those who often deal with documents and messages are generally familiar with this stuff. A piece of paper with adhesive on one part, which allows a message or a note taped, but can just as easily be moved or removed later. 3M sells billions of post-it notes per year, but the inventors did not get rich from it. They are Spencer Silver, who in 1968 developed the adhesive with a characteristic "movable" and Art Fry, who had the idea of ​​a "record pointer" which can be pasted in a book singing. 03. AK-47 rifle. Quote: Legendary rifle and allegedly the most widely used in the world is the design of Mikhail Kalashnikov. He is also just died last week designing this rifle after completion of treatment of wounds in World War II. The latest news, health is under intensive monitoring. 04. Sapphire Stylus. Quote: This may no longer work often found these days. But, in his time, finding Marie Killick tool is very useful for playing LPs. In 1958, he won his lawsuit to obtain this license from Pye, but the following year went bankrupt. 05. Hovercraft. Quote: This is sort of a float boat with air tires as a baseline. Sir Christopher Cockerell using a vacuum cleaner and a can to test the theory when he developed a hovercraft. Ships results of this theory was first passed in 1959 from Calais to Dover. Cockerell get the award, but was for many years had to fight hard just to get a lump sum from the National Research Development Corporation. 06. Tetris game. Quote: Despite categorized as "old game", Tetris still be found to this day. Russian programmers to develop this game with his friends in the research center funded by the Russian government in 1985. He just started getting royalties 10 years later when he founded The Tetris Company. 07. The wind-up radio. Quote: This equipment inventor, Trevor Baylis, recently said he could no longer live in his house in London, England. Although his work sold millions of units around the world, he had no control, let alone profit from the product. He argued there was always something made for money . 08. Karaoke machine. Quote: Tool that is still popular to this day made by Daisuke Inoue. Starting from he who was unable to come play drums for a band that usually accompany visitors sing. He make what is now known as the karaoke machine so that the visitors bar was still able to sing to the accompaniment of music he had recorded beforehand. Inou not to patent it and barely get yen from the tool. 09. MP3 format. Quote: For Internet users and computer equipment, mp3 format very familiar to listen to music and sound recordings. Inventor of the sound file formats are Karlheinz Brandenburg, which in 1980 is a doctoral student in Germany. Because no money to distribute his work, he spread the mp3 format as shareware, aka almost free with the hope or peg donations from users. 10. alias www world wide web. Quote: All Internet users today are familiar row of three letters that start address of a site although now not the only one. Inventor of the internet procedure is Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who made it to facilitate the work of researchers at the CERN laboratory in Europe. He argues, with the success of the deployment of these findings is that the procedure is appropriate freely available and free of charge. Quote: Of the works above, the statement Dr Tilly Blyth, Keeper of Engineering and Technology at the Science Museum, seems represent. "Not all inventors are driven to make money, but some would like to make a contribution to the common good." According to Blyth, people tend to see the product as a research and commercial development. But, in fact, he said, the public and the government that deliver a discovery to some extent. "If you look at the iPhone, you think it's a great invention of Steve Jobs and Apple. However, vital components such as screens, chips, processors, and their origin is in all government-funded research," said Blyth. Many studies, he stated, are from pure mind and "Blue Skies", which is performed in public research facilities with the objective good of mankind, not to make money. TS Quote: "Not all inventors are driven to make money, but some would like to make a contribution to the common good." Source Quote: Hope TS: 1. Rated 2. In Comment 3. In Cendolin Last edited by: yuriefun Today 10:00 Multi Quote Quote KaskusAd - Create an Army Chief of Staff / Create an Ad KASAD # 2 arifandy Kaskus activists UserID: 79283 Join: 01-05-2005 Posts: 586    Today 07:13 presto, bablas huckster ne  Quote Multi Quote # 3 Savia Kaskus Addict UserID: 450 615 Join: 01-05-2008 Posts: 2,062    Today 07:15 whereas findings hebat2 yes tp thanks to the many people can benefit  Quote Multi Quote # 4 jojov [$] Kaskus Donator UserID: 2077998 Join: 17-09-2010 Post: 8.215    Today 07:20 kasian yes inventor. patent issues yes  Quote Multi Quote # 5 paktebong Kaskuser UserID: 5524913 Join: 31-05-2013 Posts: 170    Today 07:22 gan extraordinary, they were more concerned with the common good rather than personal gain nice share gan, ane gan saranin added pict, let labih greget  Quote Multi Quote # 6 raja_cendol [$] Kaskus Donator UserID: 5610000 Join: 26-06-2013 Posts: 850    Today 07:30  wkwkwk really sorry gan inventor  Quote Multi Quote # 7 septian992 Kaskus Addict UserID: 3590198 Join: 29-10-2011 Posts: 2,099    Today 08:01 very sorry for not get a royalty despite the work that generated quite familiar  Quote Multi Quote # 8 telkominfokom Newbie UserID: 5629323 Join: 02-07-2013 Posts: 60    Today 08:07 Gan patenin not already in the works?  Quote Multi Quote # 9 lintas.forum Newbie UserID: 2099858 Join: 23-09-2010 Posts: 69    Today 08:21 do not forget ... photocopy machine  Quote Multi Quote # 10 yuriefun Kaskus Addict UserID: 519 527 Join: 06-08-2008 Posts: 1,133    Today 10:01 "Not all inventors are driven to make money, but some would like to make a contribution to the common good."  Quote Multi Quote # 11 bonebine Kaskuser UserID: 721 719 Join: 08-03-2009 Posts: 162    Today 10:09 It was they who gk want matenin what is not allowed to make patent gan. In fact the whole thing by using that for all circles kan.malah in business area jg kasian so yes  Quote Multi Quote # 12 vian101189 Newbie UserID: 5187451 Join: 16-02-2013 Posts: 82    Today 10:13 supposed to get a meritorious orang2 something tuh .. minimum award ..  Quote Multi Quote # 13 vanhusen Kaskus Addict UserID: 2910130 Join: 04-05-2011 Posts: 1,257    Today 10:16 kasian wah yah its penumu gk interchangeable fuit  Quote Multi Quote # 14 vizarul Newbie UserID: 4514212 Join: 06-07-2012 Posts: 8    Today 10:16 Keren2 wih ya actually penemuanya, tp ya gt g dihargain his efforts .. At least on my birthday in kek!!. The most melancholic look inventors mouse Last edited by: vizarul Today 10:21 Multi Quote Quote # 15 valexander95 Kaskus Maniac UserID: 2490106 Join: 18-01-2011 Posts: 6,436    Today 10:17 hovercraft tuh yg cool invention  Quote Multi Quote # 16 legemm Kaskus Addict UserID: 2442329 Join: 05-01-2011 Posts: 3,685    Today 10:18 wah time anyway to make money dear bgt ga ya yah have given her a little lah award  Quote Multi Quote # 17 Thespektra Kaskus activists UserID: 3819065 Join: 24-12-2011 Posts: 656    Today 10:19 gan cool  Quote Multi Quote # 18 d7P Kaskus Holic UserID: 4536975 Join: 13-07-2012 Posts: 926    Today 10:24 if found not oriented towards money seem to not matter but kasian also already cape2 ga ya can apa2  Quote Multi Quote # 19 merrywulan Kaskuser UserID: 1819835 Join: 27-06-2010 Posts: 369    Today 10:42 kasian the mouse gan nemuin  Quote Multi Quote Post Reply  Previous Thread Next Thread

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